A sustainable Internet? Exploring sustainable web hosting companies across Western Europe.

The proliferation of data centres, the backbone of the internet, is significantly contributing to internet pollution.

However, there are hosting providers that are taking substantial steps towards sustainability.  Here we explore some of these sustainable hosting companies (in Western Europe) that are making an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of the internet. The choice is there – it’s a matter of making an effort to find the provider that’s right for your business.

  • Seeweb: Seeweb is an Italian hosting provider with data centres in Italy, Switzerland, and Croatia. It’s listed in the Green Web Directory (https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/tools/directory/) a list of verified green hosting providers by country (1). Their efficient cloud services, proactive technical support, and a 99.9% Service Level Agreement make them a strong contender in the realm of sustainable hosting (2). 
  • Hosting Solutions: Hosting Solutions stands out with its commitment to offering affordable hosting while powering its data centres in Florence, Rome, and Siziano with renewable energy sources. Notably, they collaborate with Sea Shepherd to contribute to the cleanup of Italy’s seas.
  • DreamHost: DreamHost not only uses low-energy lighting and heating in their offices but also employs high-performance cooling systems for their data centres. They exclusively source power from renewable energy and support wind energy initiatives (3).
  • Greenhost: Located in Amsterdam, Greenhost boasts a climate-neutral data centre that adapts server usage according to actual needs. It purchases 3 times the amount of carbon credits than the energy it uses to provide hosting services, and it has a partnership with One Tree Planted to plant one tree for each hosting plan that it provides on its servers (4).
  • iPage: iPage is a hosting provider with a mission to support small and medium-sized businesses. They purchase renewable energy certificates to cover double the energy they consume and offer users the opportunity to showcase their eco-friendly and sustainable websites (5).
  • Recycled Cloud: Located in Switzerland, Recycle Cloud data centres use the best known sustainable practices for their cloud services: using natural cooling, choosing electricity from only renewable sources, selecting Open Source tools and avoiding vendor lock-in, lean data initiatives including, not selling any data and not tracking any behaviour. The idea was born by observing the astronomical amount of waste generated by the disposal of old computer servers from companies and data centres (6).

These hosting providers offer a glimpse of a brighter, more sustainable future for the internet. By choosing eco-conscious hosting options, individuals and businesses can play a part in mitigating the environmental impact of our digital world. As the internet continues to expand, these pioneering companies serve as role models in embracing sustainable practices to ensure a greener, more responsible digital future.



  1. https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/tools/directory/
  2. https://www.seeweb.it/en/data-center/our-data-centers  –  https://www.seeweb.it/en
  3. https://www.dreamhost.com/company/we-are-green/ 
  4. https://makemesustainable.com/greengeeks-review-ultimate-eco-friendly-web-hosting/https://manoverboard.com/images/old-wordpress/2016/06/green-web-hosting-whitepaper-2.pdf?_cchid=47ab148379a6ac76c61eadb40593fa0e page 5 
  5. https://hth.guide/it/best-green-hosting/https://www.bluehost.com/hosting/shared#pricing-cardshttps://www.ecoglobo.it/eco-guide/hosting-green-guida-alla-scelta/ 
  6. https://it.siteground.com/blog/hosting-green-siteground/https://it.siteground.com/blog/verso-google-cloud/#Energia_rinnovabile_bilanciata_al_100
  7. https://cloud.google.com/sustainability?hl=it
  8. https://recycled.cloud/manifesto.html